toddler is not ready for bed

10 Signs Your Toddler is Not Ready For a Bed



Thinking of moving your baby to a big-kid bed? Hold on tight! Read these 10 Signs your Toddler is not Ready for a Bed to ensure your child is ready.

Transitioning from a crib to a bed is exciting for parents and toddlers. However, our little ones may need more time to prepare for this big change. While it’s important to know and respect your toddler’s needs and developmental stage when making this decision.

Here we indicated some Signs Your Toddler is not Ready for a Bed. In this article, We will discuss those signs. So, you can give your child enough time to prepare for a bed.

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When to Transition to Toddler Bed?

Ideally, toddlers should transition to a bed between 2 and 3 years, with closer to age 3 being better. Switching from a crib to a bed is an exciting milestone for children and parents, but it’s important to remember that this transition isn’t as straightforward as it may seem.

Although you may be ready to see your toddler graduate from the crib to a bed, that doesn’t necessarily mean they are ready for such a big change. It’s important to know and respect the signs your toddler is not ready for a bed.

Consider your child’s developmental stage and any warning signals that they might not be ready for the change to make the transition effective and advantageous for them. After all, a bed isn’t just something to sleep in—it can also be an area where children play, so it’s important to make sure your toddler is emotionally ready for a bed before you decide to switch.

Signs Your Toddler is Not Ready for a Bed

Transitioning from a baby crib to a toddler bed is an exciting milestone for parents and toddlers. While you may be ready for this switch, that doesn’t mean your little one is ready. It’s important to know the signs your toddler is not ready for a bed and listen to your child’s needs before moving forward with this big decision.

Here are 10 signs your toddler is not ready for a bed or transition for a big kid bed.

1. Frequently try to escape their cribs

If your toddler constantly tries to escape their crib, it could be a sign that they are not yet ready for the transition. They might not know how to control their impulses or understand bedtime rules and wake windows. It may mean they don’t feel safe and secure in their crib and need more time before switching. Keeping them safe is very important, so you should think about other ways for them to sleep until they’re ready to use a bed on their own.

signs your toddler is not ready for a bed

2. Sleep disturbances

If your toddler is still struggling in sleeping, especially beyond the usual age-related regressions, then it may be a sign that they are not yet ready for a bigger bed. It’s important to give them the time and space to feel comfortable during sleep before making a move. While some toddlers adjust quickly to the switch, others may need more time and security to transition successfully.

3. Behavioral issues

If your toddler starts to act out or display signs of aggression after being transferred to a bed, then it’s likely that they are not yet ready for the switch. Please talk with your child and understand their feelings before making any decisions. It’s also important to discuss with them what boundaries will be in place when they transition. This will help ensure your little one feels safe and secure in their new sleeping environment.

4. Still need their nighttime security objects

Does your toddler still require certain toys, blankets, or other items during the night? If your baby is afraid of the dark and refuses to sleep in a dark room then you need a night light for your toddler. These can provide comfort and security during sleep, so consider them when considering if your toddler is ready for a bed.

5. They don’t stay in bed

If your toddler constantly gets out of bed and wanders around, it may be a sign that it’s too soon for them to move from a crib. The more enclosed space of the crib can provide much-needed boundaries that would be lacking in a bigger bed.

6. Haven’t developed enough self-regulation

Toddlers are notorious for being impulsive and unpredictable, so if your toddler is still struggling with excessive meltdowns or has difficulty controlling their emotions, staying in a crib, for now, could serve them better. Moving to a bed too soon can be overwhelming and stressful for toddlers who aren’t yet emotionally ready for the transition.

7. They still take naps

If your toddler is still taking regular naps or needs help winding down at night, it could be a sign that they aren’t ready for a bigger bed yet. You have to prevent napping for better sleep during the night. The smaller and more enclosed space of the crib can provide reassurance and comfort when it comes to sleeping during the day or at night.

8. Not expressing interest

If your toddler isn’t showing any signs of excitement when it comes to transitioning from the crib to the bed, they may not be ready to make this change yet. Respect their boundaries; if they don’t seem interested, it might be best to wait longer before making any decisions.

9. You’re feeling anxious

If you’re feeling anxious or uncertain when transitioning your toddler from a crib to a bed, it may be best to wait until you’re both ready. There is no rush; the most important thing is that your toddler is comfortable with the change.

10. Safety-wise Problem

When a toddler is not ready for a bed, some safety concerns need to be considered. Toddlers who are still sleeping in cribs may be able to stand or climb out of the crib, which could be dangerous if they fall. Additionally, if a child is not ready for a bed but is placed in one, they may become frightened or disoriented and try to get out of bed, potentially falling or hurting themselves.

To minimize the risk of injury, it is important to ensure that the toddler’s sleep environment is safe and secure. This may include crib bumpers for your baby, Which is an essential part of any nursery, providing a soft barrier between your baby and the hard edges of their crib.

Tips to Make the Transition to a Toddler Bed

Understand the signs your toddler is not ready for a bed, such as if they still have trouble sleeping through the night without frequent wake-ups or are afraid of their new bed.

  • Make sure to give your child plenty of time to get used to their new bedroom and bed setup before transitioning from crib to bed.
  • Let them explore and play in their room so they become comfortable with it first.
  • Introduce some new items like special pillows, stuffed animals, books, etc.
  • Use night lights to overcome your toddler’s fear.
  • Make them feel more secure in this new space and environment.
  • Set rules and boundaries when transitioning a new baby from crib to bed. Tell them what to expect during sleep and wake time.
  • Keep things consistent and clear for everyone, so there is no confusion or misunderstanding down the line.
  • Consider setting up boundaries by using furniture pieces like low dressers or chairs and gates at doorways
  • You should follow remedies and practice them for better sleep and the best sleeping position to make it good for your child.
  • Let your toddler know where their limits lie while also giving you peace of mind knowing they aren’t wandering around unsupervised at night.

Toddler Bed Transition FAQs

1) How do I keep my child in bed when making this transition?

To ensure a smooth transition, establish a consistent bedtime routine. Create a warm, soothing sleep environment. Offer comfort items such as a favorite stuffed animal. Address any fears or concerns they may have. Be patient, loving and firm with boundaries. Praise them for staying in bed. Be consistent, and over time, they will adjust.

2) How to know my child is ready for a transition?

By knowing the above signs your toddler is not ready for a bed, parents can assure themselves whether their child is ready for the transition or not.

3) At what age is my toddler ready for a bed?

Most toddlers are ready to transition to a bed around the age of 2 to 3 years, but It’s essential to consider their individual development and readiness signs, such as climbing out of the crib or showing interest in a big-kid bed, before making the switch.

4) How do I get my 2 year old ready for bed?

Before successful toddler bed transition, it’s important to know when he’s ready. Once you’re confident in their readiness, gradually introduce the bed during bedtime or playtime to help your baby get used to it. Also, make sure the bed is comfortable and safe. Remember to be patient and make the transition a positive and gradual process.

5) How long does it take for a toddler to adjust to a toddler bed?

The time it takes for a toddler to adjust to a toddler bed can differ. Some toddlers may adjust to a toddler bed within a few days, whereas others may take 2 to 3 weeks or more. It depends on how effectively parents or caretakers manage the transition.


Transitioning from crib to bed can be difficult for both you and your child, but with patience, understanding, and a little creativity, it doesn’t have to be! Following these tips can help make this process smoother and ensure your needs are considered. If in doubt, always consult your pediatrician to better understand your toddler’s current developmental stage and needs. With the right preparation, and understanding of the signs your toddler is not ready for a bed you can make this transition easier for you and your little one!

Ultimately, it’s important to consider all of these factors before deciding to transition your little one out of a crib and into a bed. Respect your toddler’s needs and take the necessary time to ensure they are comfortable with the change before making big decisions. With patience, understanding, and lots of love, you can help make this transition easy for everyone.

Good luck!

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I am Charlotte Garcia, Passionate and experienced content writer specializing in parenting and family-related topics. With a deep love for children and a keen interest in helping parents navigate the beautiful journey of parenthood, I dedicated my career to creating valuable and insightful content.