How Many Burp Cloths Do You Need

How Many Burp Cloths Do I Need for my Newborn Baby?


Newborn babies have infant burps when you feed them breast milk. Burping is essential for your baby’s life when they still require help to take out the excess gas. But infant burps can be wet because of leftover milk and spit ups. Thus, burp cloths are essential for a baby’s feeding routine. Burp clothes will keep the yucky fluids off you and your baby.

Expecting mothers might feel nervous about how many burp cloths are needed for their child’s early life. What kind of burp cloths are needed? Which are the best baby burp cloths? You might need a to-do list when your baby has arrived for the first time. Burp cloths or burp rags are very handy when you have to feed your baby and clean everything around.

A new mother takes utmost care of baby essentials like Organic baby diapers, baby clothes, burp clothes etc. Mainly one question that always revolves in a new mom’s mind is how many burp cloths do I need. Because everybody knows that babies are messy, especially during feeding sessions.

You will learn everything about burp clothes, how to choose a good burp cloth and how to use them, what a burp cloth can do and how many ways you can use it, and how many clothes you need for your baby. In short each and everything regarding burp clothes.

What is a burp cloth?

If you are having your first child and are worried about how to take care of them when you feed them and how to clean their face and skin when they spit up. As infant burps are completely normal, here is your answer to wipe off the yucky fluid, “Baby Burp Cloths”. Burp cloths are essential when it comes to taking care of your baby at the time of the baby’s feeding routine.

You can use burp clothes to clean your baby’s skin anytime. Drape the cloth over the parent’s shoulder, lap, or arm, and use them to clear the dribble from the baby’s face. These burp cloths are far more versatile than that. You can use them as burp rags or cleaning rags whenever you see dirt on your baby’s skin or clothes.

These small rags are handy and have absorbent layers to clean your baby’s sensitive skin; you need some best burp cloths which are sensitive and consist of the softest material with a good basic range. And since a burp cloth often comes in contact with the baby’s bare and sensitive skin, the cloth must be soft, toxin-free, and allergen-free at the same time.

How many burp cloths do you need for a newborn baby?

Generally, it depends on how often your newborn baby spits up and how often you want to laundry the clothes. Generally, 9 to 15 burp clothes are good to go with a basic range. But if you want more burp cloths, you can always go for that too. Because the more you have burp cloths, the less mess there will be.

And it’s good if you have more muslin burp clothes so they can be used as handy small rags to clean any dirt over your baby, and you can also use them as towels or muslin cloths. You can use one burp cloth at a time to clean the leftover milk.

How often should you wash burp cloths?

You ought to wash your burp cloths after every single use. Whenever your newborn consumes baby food and burps, drools, or vomits, there will be burp cloths stains that you can wipe off with small rags of the burp cloth.

So, if you want to reuse it more than once before you throw the burp cloth for laundry, that may not be a hygienic decision. And burp cloths are machine washable, so cleaning them after each use can be easy.

You should consider the burp cloth you put on the parent’s shoulder close to the baby’s face. So, using clean & fresh burp cloths fast with no dirt or stain is the best for your baby’s skin. While washing, you should opt for a mild detergent with warm water. So, the stains will go easily, and the mild detergent won’t be harsh on the baby’s sensitive skin.

Best materials for the burp cloths?

Burp cloths come in various patterns and fabrics, with cotton knits used with organic cotton that has softness and absorbency. You still have a variety of options in burp cloths and swaddle blankets. There are flannel burp cloths, which are absorbent but slightly stiff. Muslin burp cloths, which have loosely knitted layers of organic cotton, are known for their absorbent layers and softest material.

Plain cotton is good, too. But you might want the burp cloth to have multiple layers and changing pad covers, so the fluid doesn’t go straight through the clothes. Organic cotton can be the expecting mother’s popular choice for the extra peace of mind you get knowing that no toxic chemicals or pesticides are going to be irritating up against your baby.

Your baby deserves soft and hygienic materials used in their long-lasting infant supplies. Whatever materials you choose, they must resist frequent washes with warm water, as your baby will get many burps to clean off.

How to care for burp cloths?

Before you put the clothes in your washer, sprinkle some stain fighters. Use a liberal quantity of the spray to the stain and then rub the fabric back and then wipe the stain off and let it sit for 10 minutes.

Fill warm water in your washer on a delicate cycle. By doing this, the burp cloth will get clean and not be tarnished in one wash. Use baby-safe mild detergent. Put the burp cloth with the remaining pigment fighter still on it.

Once the process is through, let the clothes hang out or put them in the dryer. Put the machine on a delicate cycle with less heat. It will save the cloth from shrinking. Fold them and place them in a suitable place, such as on your diaper changing shelf or in your breast pump station.

Putting the right number of burp cloths on your baby registry

Wondering how many burp cloths do I need? Most baby registries contain 4 to 6 burp cloths or an average of two packs. But you should register for 10 to 12 clothes in various patterns or colours. The softest material used in burp clothes is ideal for everything from gently wiping a moist chin after feeding sessions to sopping up the saliva.

You can purchase flannel burp cloths in a hue other than white because they’re less likely to stain. Just like having extra cloth diapers, having the extra quantity of burp cloths on hand will keep you from doing packs of laundry. You can use one burp cloth a day, if not more. And you can store the extra burp cloths on your diaper changing shelf or in your breast pump station.

How to clean baby burp cloths?

Everything your baby spits up leftover milk, or any baby food can stain a burp cloth. You can have a question; how frequently should you wash your burp cloths to keep them fresh and clean?

Ideally, every time the clothes are used, they must be washed. To remove the stains, use a stain fighter which is a baby product on the stains and rub the fabric before you wash them.

Then dry them out or on low heat with the dryer. And as babies have sensitive skin, make sure that you use a mild detergent that won’t be harsh on your baby.

Tips for burping your baby

Here are a few tips that can help make the burping process easier for you and your baby:

  • You can cup it in your hand, not flat-palmed; therefore, it is more gentle to the baby’s back.
  • Let him or her attempt different positions to find out what works best for you and your little one.
  • If the baby gets fussy during the feeding, burp him and then continue.
  • Give the baby a few moments to burp, then try again if you are unsuccessful getting your baby to burp.
  • If your baby doesn’t burp very much and does not have obvious discomfort or irritability, do not worry. Some babies burp more than others.
  • The more relaxed the baby is, the easier it will be for the burping. Hence, try gently rubbing the little one’s back before you start to exert some pressure.

Best burp cloth size

Generously, burp cloths are sized at 21 by 10 inches. You can find the best baby burp cloths in a range of cute prints with various patterns that will look cute and will entertain your baby. The flannel burp cloth comes in the size of 12″ wide and 18″ long.

The shape of burp cloth drapes over the parent’s shoulder perfectly, controlling slippage and preventing the bulky extra fabric from clustering up near your neck. Good quality layered burp cloth consists of thick material in the middle to assure zero leakage. Usually, burp cloths with the best-quality fabric fail to stop the messy spit-ups from destroying your garments. It happens because of the silkiness of the towel.

Now, let’s know how to take care of the burp cloths and how many times you should wash them.

Laundry frequency for burp cloths

The laundry frequency of burp clothes must be as frequent as possible after every use. Whenever your baby burps, drools, or vomits, you use a burp cloth. Babies burp many times a day, and each time you use the burp cloth to clean them.

So, it becomes hygienic to wash your burp cloth every time you use them. And if you don’t want to do so much laundry, then you can have an extra stash of burp clothes with you. But it is essential to wash the cloth after every use to keep your baby’s skin safe and clean. At the time of washing, take the utmost care with the type of detergent you use.

How long can I use single burp cloths?

Well, when it comes to using the burp cloth, you can use a single burp cloth as many times as you want until it loses its absorbent layers and soft material used in it. Also, so much laundry can affect the life of the burp cloth. Usually, you can use one work cloth each day for a better hygienic cleaning routine for your baby.

If you have only one child, then it can be less worrying. But what if you are having twins? How to figure out how many burp clothes do I need if I have twins? This question could ghost you even in your dreams.

Do not worry! Here is your answer!

How many burp cloths do I need for twins?

When you have twin babies, your excitement and happiness get doubled! Twins always make you happier when they are born. But with double happiness, there come double responsibilities. Now, must be worried about how many burp cloths you need if you have twin babies? So, here is your answer. You can store up around 20 to 30 burp cloths for your twins, and you are good to go. Here are some tricks to using burp cloths when you have twins. You can use any method given.

You can place fresh burp cloths for each baby during the baby’s feeding routine. So, if you feed one baby nearly eight times a day, using 20 to 30 burp cloths would be sufficient.

You can also feed your babies one by one and use the towel for both, and there is no need to have double stock of burp clothes every time. But for that, you need to make sure that the cloth you are using is clean and sanitized properly.

Now, you might be wondering how to choose the best burp cloths for your baby? Don’t worry, here we have provided some of the best burp cloths reviews to read, and then you can choose any of them for your baby.

The best baby burp cloths

Here is some best burp clothes list to have in your baby registry.

1. Copper Pearl Large Baby Burp Cloths

Baby burp cloths by Copper Pearl are best if you want a large size of burp cloths. They are made with 100% cotton with ultra-soft layers in front and back. A middle fiber layer provides excellent absorbency, preventing drool and spit up in their way. These burp cloths come in an ample 21×10 inch size, providing a wide shoulder range.


  • Made with 100% cotton
  • Good absorbing layers
  • Comes in various patterns
  • Comes in large size
  • Has a fleece layer


  • Gets lumpy
  • Lose shape
  • It can be less absorbent sometimes

2. Muslin Burp Cloths CottCare

These baby essentials baby burp cloths are made with 100% muslin cotton. They are dense and have thick material to absorb the fluid efficiently. Pure natural cotton is the best option to have. The burp cloths are made with the softest material and skin-friendly, has absorbent layers. You can use these muslin cloths as towels and baby cloth diapers.


  • 100% pure cotton
  • soft material
  • absorbing layers
  • multi-purpose
  • pre-washing


  • Can be less absorbent with time
  • Can deteriorate faster
  • Lose the shape
  • Material can get hard

3. Comfy Cubs Burp Cloths

Comfy cubs burp cloths come in a pack of 6, made with 100 percent cotton. These burp cloths have good protection. It offers coverage on the shoulder. Has soft material and can be leveraged for both boys and girls.


  • Organic cotton product
  • Effective protection
  • Soft material
  • Offers shoulder coverage
  • Gender neutral


  • Not fully multi-purpose
  • Not an even fabric piece
  • Not consistently sewn

4. KeaBabies Organic Burp Cloths

KeaBabies organic burp cloths come in a pack of 5, made with 100% cotton. These burp cloths have three-layer protection. It has a shape of 8; this gives better coverage on the shoulder so that the burp won’t dribble off. Has soft material and can be used for both girls and boys.


  • 100% organic cotton used
  • Three-layer protection
  • Soft material
  • Figure 8 Shape burp cloth
  • Gender Neutral


  • Can be less absorbant
  • The upper layer can get shrinked
  • It can be wrinkled up

Frequently Asked Questions on Burp Clothes

1. What can you use burp cloths for?

The burp cloths can clean the spit up, but you can use them to wipe milk dribbles, sneezes, or whatever is there on your baby’s body or cloth. Get absorbent burp cloths that are soft and hold up well after many washes.

2. Why do babies spit up?

For newborn babies spitting up is a common thing and is healthy. During their first three months, most babies experience their stomach contents coming back as Esophagus, a condition known as gastroesophageal reflux, infant reflux, or infant acid reflux. So for babies spit ups are very common, and it is believed that they should spit out the excess food or excess gas to keep their stomachs clean and healthy.

3. Can I make my own burp cloth?

Yes, you can make your own burp cloths. For that, you’ve to cut 10×18 rectangles. Place the right sides of the fabric together and pin, and add a side label if you want. Stitch around the edges, and leave an opening at the top.

4. How many burp cloths do I need?

Burp cloths are a very important item from the baby’s arrival to do list, and you must think of them as small rags handy in an instant, even at the smallest baby mess. On average, you might require between 8 to 14 burp cloths in a day.

5. Which are the most required long lasting infant supplies?

There is no end to baby supplies to do list, but some important supplies that must have are a car seat, stroller, baby wraps, diaper bag, portable crip, burp cloths, changing pad cover, disposable diaper pail, breast pump, and so on.

6. Are burp cloths machine washable?

Yes, you can machine wash burp cloths using a mild detergent and warm water to disinfect them and keep your baby happy.


Do many new parents worry about how to clean the yucky fluids when their baby spits it out? Above mentioned baby burp cloths are best for use when you want to clean your baby’s spit ups. These burp cloths are specially made to clean your baby’s face when they spit up all those yucky fluids.

You can start with about 8-14 burp cloths, and you can add more if you don’t want to do so much laundry if your baby spits up a lot. Baby burp cloths are useful if you don’t want other normal clothes to clean your baby’s skin because they might be harsh on your baby’s skin.

Make sure that you buy fresh burp cloths which can be used as newborn clothes. So the question of which clothes do I need to clean the baby’s face while feeding? It must be solved right? we have provided every information related to burp cloths.

Now, you must know what a burp cloth is and its uses. From how many burp clothes you need for your baby and how many times you can use a single burp cloth, everything is covered so, do not feel overwhelmed or stressed when it comes to cleaning all that yucky fluid your baby spit up.


I am Charlotte Garcia, Passionate and experienced content writer specializing in parenting and family-related topics. With a deep love for children and a keen interest in helping parents navigate the beautiful journey of parenthood, I dedicated my career to creating valuable and insightful content.