how to keep your baby skin and hair healthy

5 Advice on How to Keep Your Baby’s Skin and Hair Healthy


The first pregnancy is usually challenging but now you are over that phase and have your little one in your arms. You would want to be the best parent in the world and pay attention to every little detail. 

One of the most common concerns in new parents is how to keep the baby’s skin and hair healthy. Baby’s skin is very delicate, and sensitive as it is still developing, which is why it needs extra care and attention to avoid common skin conditions like cradle cap, atopic dermatitis, and skin rashes. 

In this blog, we have compiled some of the most effective ways to keep your baby’s hair and skin healthy.

5 Best Advices for New Parents

1. Maintaining A Healthy Diet

The best food for a baby is a mother’s feed. It contains all the essential nutrients for a baby’s healthy growth. Try to provide your baby with breast milk during the first 6 months of their life.

If by any chance you are unable to provide them with breast milk use formula milk. Make sure the formula milk is high quality, age-appropriate and is recommended by the baby’s pediatrician.

If your baby is above 6 months of age you can slowly start introducing semi-solids. Use different fruits and vegetables and nutrient-rich foods like salmon to keep your baby healthy.

If you are unsure what to give your baby ask their pediatrician they will provide you with a healthy diet plan according to the baby’s age.

2. Maintain Proper Hygiene

Keeping the baby clean and moisturized plays a key role in their healthy skin. Wash your baby’s scalp with a mild baby shampoo every 2 to 3 days a week.

For bathing use fragrance-free, dye-free body washes. These thoroughly clean the baby’s skin and keep it moisturized. Using products with harsh chemicals can strip away the natural oils from their skin and cause itchy, irritated, dry skin.

Moisturizing the skin is more important for babies than it is for adults. The baby’s skin is still developing which is why it is more prone to irritants, dryness, and other environmental factors.

Keeping the baby’s skin moisturized with a hypoallergenic baby moisturizer at least twice a day will protect the skin from outside irritants and keep it hydrated all day long.

The best time to moisturize is after the bath the skin absorbs more moisture at that time.

Keeping the baby clean will not only promote healthy skin and scalp but will also protect your baby against common skin conditions like cradle cap and eczema.

3. Prevent Diaper Rash

diaper rash
Source: blog.cincinnatichildrens

Diaper rash is very common in newborns because their soft skin can be irritated by anything. Here are a few tips you can follow as a new parent to avoid rashes in the diaper area.

  • Use breathable and organic diapers that are not made from allergic material.
  • Use a diaper that fits your baby well, because tight-fitted diapers can cause irritation and rashes.
  • Leave your baby diaper-free for some time.
  • Change the baby’s diaper regularly, usually every 2 to 3 hours, and immediately after it is spoiled.
  • Clean the diaper area while changing the diaper with water rather than using baby wipes.
  • If you need to use baby wipes, use those which do not contain any harsh chemicals.
  • Apply a thin layer of mild baby diaper cream on the diaper area to protect it against dryness and irritation.

4. Choosing the Right Products

Choosing the right baby products is essential for a baby’s healthy scalp and skin. Using body washes, lotions, and baby powder with sweet fragrances may make your baby smell good. But in reality, they contain harmful chemicals that can cause adverse effects on the baby’s skin and hair.

Some of their common side effects are itching, irritation, rashes, and dry skin. These can trigger different skin conditions in babies such as eczema, cradle cap, and dandruff.

Always use skincare products on babies that are specially formulated for their sensitive skin.

Products that are free from fragrances, artificial dyes, and any other harsh chemicals are the best option. Use a small amount of product on the baby to check there is no allergic reaction.

Then continue the use. If you suspect your baby is allergic to some ingredients in the products, stop the use and option for one that is hypoallergenic.

If your baby is experiencing scalp issues like cradle cap and dandruff never use an adult anti-dandruff shampoo on their scalp instead go for specially formulated cradle cap shampoo for babies.

5. Protect Your Baby from the Sun

Babies have delicate skin and direct exposure to the sun can damage their skin. It can also lead to heat rash. Sunscreen is not advised to be used for babies under the age of six months.

Which is why it is important to keep them away from direct sunlight. While going out cover most parts of their skin with clothes and use a hat or cap to protect their head. Try to keep them indoors as much as possible during the daytime, especially during the noon. The sun’s UV rays are most harmful at that time.

For babies above the age of 6 months, you can use sunscreen to protect their skin. But consult a pediatrician on which sunscreen will be most suitable for your baby and won’t cause any side effects.


As a new parent, you might be worried about almost everything related to your little bundle of joy. You would want their skin to stay soft, and smooth and their hair shiny, and healthy.

To do so we have listed down the most effective ways to keep your baby’s skin and hair healthy which include providing them a proper bath, keeping their skin moisturized, avoiding using products with harsh chemicals, preventing diaper rash, and protecting your baby from direct sunlight.

By following these steps you will not only keep your baby healthy but also prevent common skin conditions like eczema, cradle cap, and dandruff from appearing.

If your baby is already experiencing cradle cap it can be easily managed with the help of a cradle cap shampoo. Look for a medicated shampoo that is specially formulated to alleviate scaling, crusting, and inflammation associated with cradle caps in babies.

Choose a shampoo for a cradle cap that is hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, and dye-free to avoid any more complications.


I am Charlotte Garcia, Passionate and experienced content writer specializing in parenting and family-related topics. With a deep love for children and a keen interest in helping parents navigate the beautiful journey of parenthood, I dedicated my career to creating valuable and insightful content.