Plan C Pregnancy

What is the Plan C Pregnancy and the Immediate Aftermath?


An unwanted pregnancy can be a critical medical issue. There are the multiple ins and outs related to an unplanned pregnancy. Plan C refers to an abortion that is executed through medicines. It can even be stated as medication abortion. The most successful medication abortion is a blend of medications taken over one to two days.

In some European countries, medication abortions account for up to 90 percent of all abortion processes. The Plan C pregnancy procedure is secure and highly effective for the initial 11 weeks of pregnancy, with a lower risk of difficulties for most women. 

We will discuss several benefits and possibilities of Plan C in this blog. One can get medication for abortion even from planned parenthood medical procedure centres. Early abortion needs less care than later abortion.

What is Plan C?

Plan C is a term that refers to medication-based abortion that is performed using pills.

Birth control pills are a category of contraceptives that are successful in preventing pregnancy.

Abortion pills are to be taken at home, the entire process is completed in your home. While this procedure is even called the abortion pill.

Plan C typically refers to two drugs:

  • Misoprostol (Cytotec)
  • Mifepristone (Mifeprex)

These two medications, mifepristone and misoprostol or the abortion pill(chemical abortion), work mutually to stopover an existing pregnancy. Misoprostol contracts the uterus and forces its contents exterior to the body. On the other hand, mifepristone wedges the hormone progesterone, which is required to support and sustain all your pregnancy options. 

There are many pregnancy options. Plan C Pregnancy option is obtainable by prescription only, which leads to guidance with a medical provider, doctor, or at an abortion clinic before being able to access these medications. Buying and using abortion pills online without consulting a doctor or healthcare provider comes with the risk of using counterfeit pills. However, today many telehealth services and medical procedures are obtainable to assist you in getting set up with Plan C from home.

Why Plan C Pregnancy?

Plan B is a morning-after pill that is leveraged as a quick and emergency contraceptive. Which is about 87% effective in preventing pregnancy, what do you do if you can’t take it in time, if it fails, or, if you get pregnant, and you don’t want to be? 

With Plan C, That is also known as the “abortion pill” you can make informed, secure decision for medication abortions. An informed decision is an empowered decision.

Plan C medications halt a pregnancy from growing with lesser chances of medical risks. They cause restricting and bleeding to vacant the uterus and are comparable to having a timely miscarriage. While you can get abortion pills without first seeing a doctor, if you have underlying certain medical conditions, it may not be safe.

If emergency contraception (plan B) and birth control doesn’t prevent pregnant women or isn’t used, “plan C” could be a medication abortion. Some emergency contraception pill (ECPs) are available over the counter from a pharmacy, specifically Plan B and its generics. You can use the ECPs

Is a Medication Abortion Safe?

Yes, Medical abortion is safe. Medication abortion procedures have been utilized safely globally. In very rare cases, some problems occur. You must call your doctor or medical centre with abortion providers quickly if you:

  • Have no signs of bleeding within twenty-four hours after taking misoprostol.
  • Have substantial or heavy bleeding from your vagina that soaks through 2+ maxi pads in one hour, for two or more hours rightly in a row.
  • Pass immense clots larger than lemon for more than two hours or have continued bleeding.
  • Have severe pain or signs of cramps in the belly that don’t get cured with pain medicines.
  • Have a fever of around 100.4 or higher for more than twenty-four hours after taking misoprostol.
  • Have signs of severe weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea for twenty-four hours or more after taking misoprostol.

You should feel better the day after your safe abortion through Plan C. Having sickness with pain in the belly region or a high fever for more than twenty-four hours after taking the second set of pills can lead to infections. 

Serious issues can lead to death in the rarest of medical history cases. However, medical abortion is characteristically very safe. In fact, pregnancy and childbirth involve more risks and possible complications than abortions. But You shouldn’t attempt a medical abortion if you’ve been pregnant for more than nine weeks. Connect with your doctor quickly if you have any of the first pill(mifepristone) symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

What are the benefits of a medical abortion?

Medical abortion is both effective and safe in ending early pregnancy. When you get a medical abortion:

  • You can terminate the pregnancy at the earliest stage, once you realise that you are pregnant or soon after you get to know of an early miscarriage.
  • It is also possible that passing a pregnancy would feel more natural than having a procedure.
  • You may be at home or at a place where you will feel more relaxed and safe during the cramping and bleeding.
  • The type of support you choose can be there with you.

What are the Risks with Abortion Pills?

Serious difficulties are actually rare with medical abortion. However, they can happen. These comprise:

  • The abortion pills go infective, and the pregnancy condition doesn’t see a quick end.
  • Some pregnancy tissues are left right in the uterus.
  • There are serious blood clots right in the uterus. Your medical provider may give you a blood thinner.
  • There are chances of bleeding too much or too long, leading to infections.
  • Suffer from allergic reactions to one or both medicines  

Plan C also isn’t secure if you have an intrauterine device, have lung disease, high blood pressure, an ectopic pregnancy or blood vessel diseases. You can even have a suspected pregnancy external of the uterus. These challenges aren’t common during medical abortions. And if they do occur, they are most probably simple to take care of with medication or other medical treatments.

Is Abortion Pills Precise for Everyone?

It is important to know that How does the abortion pill work? Like all other medical abortion pills isn’t precise for everyone. The abortion pills may not be the preferred option for you if you have specific medical conditions or take other medications. 

This covers risks related to uncontrolled seizure disorder and consumption of steroid medications or antiseizure drugs. Your doctor will discuss with you the entire process and assist you in deciding if the abortion pill is the correct choice for you.


1. What is the difference between Plan B and Plan C?

Answer: Plan B is the known morning-after pill that is utilized as an emergency contraception and must be used within 120 hours of performing unprotected sex. Plan C standstill a pregnancy from growing with minor odds of reproductive health risks. It is an informed choice and similar to having a timely miscarriage.

2. How long is Plan C good for?

Answer: Plan C is safe and well-operative for the women in the first 11 weeks of pregnancy, with fewer risks of difficulties for most women.

3. Is Plan B an abortion pills?

Answer: Plan B isn’t the similar thing as the abortion pills or an emergency contraceptive. It doesn’t lead to a miscarriage. It is a morning-after pills, which is a type of emergency contraception (EC) that comprises levonorgestrel, a synthetic type of the hormone progesterone, also called progestins.

unlike Plan B can assist avert and preventing pregnancy if consumed within five days after having unprotected sex. And doesn’t work if a woman is already pregnant.

4. What is plan B in pregnancy tests?

Answer: The Plan B in the pregnancy tests is merely a desiccant tablet leveraged to absorb moisture to encompass the shelf life of the pregnancy test.

Related: Can Twins Cause False Negative Pregnancy Test?


Many women choose Plan C and avoid surgical abortions. The impacts of the medications are the same as those of a miscarriage, and Plan C is also an easy and secure choice compared to surgery. 

The recovery time while Plan C procedure is mainly a short last period. While some women may have spotting for some weeks subsequently, the bleeding and cramps are while the 48 hours after consuming misoprostol pills.

Women must confirm their early pregnancy and have all pregnancy preferences in a safe, personal environment. They should consult a doctor or a nurse and then move forward with their pregnancy decision. Even few abortion care, abortion rights centres provide free services for Plan C consulting following restrictive laws, and even there are tax deductible options.

The risks, worries, complications and requirements increase for precise medical attention upsurge with growth in pregnancy. Abortions pills do not work out if the pregnancy is exterior of the uterus.

The advantages of Plan C characteristically offset the risks for most women. The prime risk is that there is a possibility Plan C may not work, but that chances are low. So, it would help if you stay in touch with a doctor or a medical professional for guidance.


I am Charlotte Garcia, Passionate and experienced content writer specializing in parenting and family-related topics. With a deep love for children and a keen interest in helping parents navigate the beautiful journey of parenthood, I dedicated my career to creating valuable and insightful content.