Weird signs labor is near

Weird Signs Labor is Near Pregnancy Guide


As you near the end of your pregnancy, curious signs may suggest labor is approaching. Nesting strikes many expectant mothers with an overwhelming desire to organize and clean their homes— a natural impulse seen in nature as well. This drive can lead some to tackle household tasks from matching long-lost socks to scrubbing bathroom tiles meticulously.

Yet, not every mother-to-be experiences this urge; for some, nesting doesn’t feature in their pre-labor experience at all. Stay tuned for insight into these fascinating indications that it’s nearly time to welcome your little one.

1. Nesting Instinct Kicks In

You might find yourself filled with a sudden urge to clean and organize everything as your due date nears. This is the nesting instinct, common in the final weeks of pregnancy. It’s like an inner push that makes you want to make your home perfect for the baby’s arrival.

Picture this: You’re sorting through closets, cleaning places often ignored or stocking up on groceries. While it typically starts around week 38 or 39, not everyone feels this impulse—and that’s okay! Remember safety first if you start tidying up; avoid heavy lifting and unsafe chemicals.

Instead of reaching high spots or using strong cleaners, consider simpler tasks like preparing meals for freezing—think lasagna or muffins—for easy post-birth eating. Rest assured, whether you nest furiously or not at all doesn’t reflect on your future parenting skills—it’s just another part of the unique journey toward childbirth.

2. Loosening Joints Everywhere

As your body gears up for birth, you might notice your joints feel looser. It’s all thanks to a hormone called relaxin that softens ligaments and widens the pelvis so the baby can pass through more easily. You see, in these days before labor starts, this clever hormone ramps up its work.

You’re not imagining things if you sense hips spreading or an odd wobble as you walk; it’s real change happening inside! Sure enough, when arms swing wide or knees buckle without warning – take note! What’s going on is no small thing: Your skeleton loosens everywhere to prepare for delivery day.

But remember – while wobbly walks are normal right now – stay safe out there.

3. Intense Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain may creep up on you as a weird signs labor is near. Imagine a dull ache or sharp jabs in the area above your hips and below your ribs, at the very base of your spine—that’s where you’re most likely to feel it. Robles points out such discomfort could hint at regular uterine contractions beginning.

As you edge closer to meeting your baby, they’ll move down into your pelvis, increasing pressure; this sensation signifies things might kick off soon. Yet lower back pain can mislead—it isn’t always about labor looming—so if worries nag at you, chat with a healthcare pro for clarity.

Remember: each body readies differently when it’s time—the pang in one mum-to-be’s rear might signal an almost ‘hello’ from her little one while meaning nothing special in another person’s journey toward birth. 

4. Unexpected Energy Spurts

If you hit a surge of zip just before your baby comes, it’s common. For some, this boost pops up months ahead; others feel it days prior. And yes, few never do.

Either way, that little one will arrive soon. Should this vigor kick in late in the game – take care but don’t drain yourself dry. Labor could be on its heels!

Here’s how to channel that spark safely: Tackle must-dos first – stock on diapers and onesies for sure; fix the car seat too. Whip up meals to freeze for later ease – trust me, you’ll thank yourself when awake with a hungry babe at 3 AM. Lean on your partner as well (don’t hoist heavy stuff or mess with harsh cleaners).

Share tasks like crib assembly or gear hauls from stores. Keep safe above all else—your body’s got enough going on right now!

5. Sudden Diarrhea Episodes

When you’re close to the big day, sudden runs can be a tell. It’s not common to talk at check-ups, yet it might mean labor is soon. Umesh from Stony Brook says many shy away from such topics, but knowledge eases fear and gives control.

Melanie Altizer notes that this could start one or two days before birth; bodies differ though. Hormones likely cause these signs—prostaglandins—they prepare your body for baby’s arrival by softening the cervix but may also upset your gut. If you face more bouts of diarrhea as time ticks down, reach out to your health pro—it’s better to be safe than sorry in waiting games like these!

Remember each sign differs just like each pregnancy does.

6. Vivid Labor Dreams Emerge

In the home stretch of your pregnancy journey, dreams get vivid. Women tell detailed and scary nighttime stories in their sleep. They see themselves with a new baby or worry over labor pains.

These aren’t just random; they speak to deep thoughts about becoming a mom. What’s going on with these night visions? Science says it’s normal – more common than you might think!

You recall them now better than before expecting your little one, even if such clear memories were rare once upon a time. Why do they happen? Well, those busy nights may mirror some daytime worries or joys —all part of getting ready for what comes next.

If fears fill your sleeping hours, talk them out when awake; it helps shift anxious feelings into hope-filled excitement for meeting your child soon.

Also read: Sleeping Positions to Induce Labor

7. Abdominal Pressure Increases

As your body gets ready for birth, you might notice a step up in bathroom breaks. It’s more than before – think of it as nature’s heads-up that labor could be on its way. This uptick happens because the baby drops lower into your pelvis, called lightening, putting extra pressure on your bladder.

You may also feel relief from an old foe: heartburn eases off as there’s less stress on the stomach and organs. But this isn’t just physical prep work; emotions come into play too with a sharp rise in the drive to tidy up or arrange things at home – often seen as nesting instincts driven by hormonal surges. If contractions kick in, watch out!

True ones get closer together over time and hurt more with each wave; they won’t ease no matter how much you shift around. Be aware if cramps crawl from back to front or vice versa – especially intense pains dubbed “back labor” can signal go-time when linked to a baby’s position pressing against your spine.

Lastly, keep an eye out for thicker discharge tinged pinkish-red known as bloody show after losing mucus plug signaling cervix changes pre-labor — leading right to delivery room doors.

8. Water Breaks Unexpectedly

When water breaks, it can surprise you. You might hear a “pop” like when a balloon gives way, or feel just a soft trickle instead of the sudden gush often shown in movies. It’s easy to mistake this for leaking urine due to bladder pressure from the baby’s position.

If there’s doubt whether your waters have broken, don’t guess—reach out to your healthcare professional right away for assessment. Listen closely—to that inner voice telling you something is up! A gut feeling could signal labor approaching.

Notice contractions too—they’re unmistakable if they’re strong and come at regular intervals less than five minutes apart consistently over an hour or more; then baby’s arrival is likely very near! Always be ready—for all things newborn need-related once the baby does make their debut into the world.

9. Contractions Become Regular

As the day draws near, you’ll notice a shift in your contractions. They say it’s like muscles pulling tight, then letting go soft again. These regular tightenings aren’t just practice; they’re preparing to move your baby out from where he or she has been growing all this time—your womb.

You might feel them across your belly and back—the pain can be strong! This is common when labor is knocking on the door. If these squeezes come every 5 to 10 minutes and don’t let up for about half a minute to over one whole minute each time—that’s true labor at work.

Your body prepares by dilating your cervix. It starts closed and expands up to 10 centimeters during birth for your little one’s grand entrance!

Last Advice

Remember, if signs point toward labor beginning soon, talk with someone who knows what’s happening, Your mother, grandmother, friend, a health pro—who’ll guide you through what comes next as you get ready to give birth.

You might notice odd signs as your body preps for birth. Nesting instincts may kick in, urging you to get everything ready. Surges of energy can be deceptive; rest when possible.

You could experience loose joints due to relaxin hormone increases — a clear sign things are progressing. Please pay attention to any shifts or new sensations: they’re clues that labor approaches on the horizon.


I am Charlotte Garcia, Passionate and experienced content writer specializing in parenting and family-related topics. With a deep love for children and a keen interest in helping parents navigate the beautiful journey of parenthood, I dedicated my career to creating valuable and insightful content.