Physical Recovery After Childbirth

8 Ways to Physically Recovering from Vaginal Birth


Nevertheless, giving birth is a life-changing and transformative thing to do; the postnatal period represents an important time for physical recovery after birth. But whether it was a vaginal birth or an operation, the special tricks to recovery vary. This comprehensive guide will address recovering from vaginal birth. We’ll also strive to give new mothers far-reaching insights with which they can help their bodies on the road toward healing.

8 Ways to Recovering from Vaginal Birth

Bringing a person into the world is an amazing feat, to which the body must devote great energy; it needs time and effort for its wounds (real or imaginary) to heal. By understanding the essential factors in recovery, new mothers will be able to face their postpartum with confidence and health.Also Read: 101 Self Care Ideas For Busy Moms

1. Pelvic Floor Exercises (Kegels)

Kegel exercises, also known as pelvic floor exercises are one of the most important forms used to help women recover from vaginal birth. The exercises consist of contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles, which is a good way to build up strength in any muscles that may have been stretched or strained during delivery. Kegels strengthen bladder control and speed recovery of the perineal tissues with regular practice.

2. Perineal Care

Special attention to proper perineal care is also important. Frequent washing of the perineal area with warm water and the use of a special ‘peri-bottle’ help cleanliness and minimize discomfort. Sitz baths (warm water over the perineal area) can also soothe and heal.

3. Adequate Rest and Sleep

The body is put through a great deal, and it takes time to recuperate. Although that is not always possible with a baby in arms, it’s especially important to rest and sleep when one gets the opportunity. Ask family and friends for assistance with household chores so you can concentrate on resting.

4. Pain Management

Truly, there’s certainly nothing wrong with feeling a bit uncomfortable following vaginal birth; and controlling pain control is one of the most important aspects of recovery. Pain relievers available over-the-counter at your healthcare provider’s suggestion are now available. What’s more, applying ice packs or warm compresses to the perineal area can help relieve pain and swelling.

5. Gradual Return to Physical Activity

As rest is of prime importance in the first month or two after birth, gradually resuming light exercise after pregnancy will also have considerable effects. Good places to start are gentle walks, pelvic tilts, and Kegel exercises. Before participating in more demanding activities, it is also best to first obtain your healthcare provider’s approval.

6. Proper Nutrition and Hydration

Second, a well-rounded and nutritious diet is essential for convalescence after giving birth. Eat foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein to aid or recover their strength. Proper hydration is also essential, particularly if you are breastfeeding. Drinking lots of water promotes milk secretion, and also benefits overall recovery. Also don’t forget to use Vitamin C serum for stretch marks. Vitamin c serum is known to be an effectual remedy for stretch marks during pregnancy.

7. Emotional Support

Emotional healing is ultimately connected with physical recovery. Build a nurturing support structure of friends and family who sympathize with the postpartum recovery process. Express your feelings and fears, don’t be afraid to find a professional listener.

8. Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

If you want individualized advice and assistance in regaining strength after vaginal birthing, pelvic floor physical therapy may be something to try. For concerns such as pelvic pain, incontinence, or dysfunction of the pelvis floor exercises and techniques can be provided by a specialist therapist.

To sum up, the process of recovering from vaginal birth is slow and individual. If only new mothers make their pelvic floor exercises a top priority, learn to best care for the perineum, get enough rest and sleep of high quality, understand how to deal with pain in proper ways (for example using medication), gradually resume physical activity (and being careful not to engage in overstrenuous exercise too early), follow a balanced diet plan that includes nutritious foods.


1. What is the 5 5 5 rule for postpartum?

The postpartum 5-5-5 rule will assist new mothers in managing their well-being. This is ensuring that an individual has five days in bed, five days on the bed, and five days around the bed, so they can get just enough rest. The first five days are intended for a mother to rest in bed, and have skin to skin bonding time with the baby.

2. What is the healing process after giving birth?

And for the first timers, if you give birth vaginally, one more question can pop up: how long is it going to stay sore before it goes away and heals the perineum? If you did not tear, the recovery may take within three weeks; however, in the case of a perineal tear or episiotomy, it takes up to six weeks or more.

3. What is the fastest way to recover from normal delivery stitches?

Here are some tips to make you more comfortable:

1. Sit in a warm bath (sitz bath).

2. Place cold packs or heat packs on your stitches. Keep a thin towel between the pack and your skin.

3. Sit on a firm seat so the stitches pull less.

4. Use medicated spray as ordered by your healthcare provider.

4. How can a woman take care of herself after giving birth?

Your physical health is important. Get as much rest as you can. Get some rest when your baby takes a nap or goes to bed for the night, when friends or family come by to help, or whenever you can. Accept help from friends and family.

5. What is the 8 point postpartum assessment?

BUBBLE-LE stands for Breasts, Uterus Bladder, Bowels, Lochia, Episiotomy, Lower Extremities, and Emotions. Mnemonics to help the nurse in making a clear identification of the key points in making a postpartum nursing assessment include BUBBLE-LE.


I am Charlotte Garcia, Passionate and experienced content writer specializing in parenting and family-related topics. With a deep love for children and a keen interest in helping parents navigate the beautiful journey of parenthood, I dedicated my career to creating valuable and insightful content.