Signs of Ovulation After Stopping The Pill

7 Signs of Ovulation After Stopping The Pill


For women who have decided to stop taking the birth control pill, understanding the signs of ovulation is key for tracking fertility and planning for pregnancy if desired. Coming off of pills can cause major changes in a woman’s menstrual cycle, as her body returns to its natural hormonal balance.

It is important to be aware of these changes so that you know when you are most fertile and can more accurately plan for conception if desired. This article will discuss what ovulation looks like after stopping taking the pill, other changes associated with discontinuing birth control pills, and ways to track your ovulation cycle.

How Does the Pill Affect Fertility?

The pill can have a direct effect on fertility in that it suppresses ovulation, which is the body’s natural process of producing and releasing an egg from the ovary each month. By not ovulating, Women are unable to get pregnant naturally while using oral contraceptives. When coming off birth control pills, it can take several months for a woman’s menstrual cycle to return to its natural hormonal balance and fertility levels.

Therefore, it is important for women who intend to get pregnant to track their period and any signs of ovulation. This will give them an idea of when they may be fertile again so that they can plan pregnancy accordingly.

Signs of ovulation after stopping the pill?

When a woman stops taking birth control, her body needs time to adjust and her normal menstrual cycle will return to its natural hormonal balance.

As this happens, ovulation may occur and it is important for women to be aware of the signs of ovulation that come after you stop birth control.

Research shows that your chances of miscarriage don’t go up if you get pregnant soon after stopping hormonal birth control methods.

1. Breast tenderness

Breast discomfort such as tenderness or pain can be a sign of ovulation due to hormonal changes. Some people may experience breast pain before ovulation while others may feel breast sensitivity. It is also possible for breast pain to be an early indication of pregnancy.

2. Abdominal pain

Some people experience pain, cramping, or twinges when an egg is released called mittelschmerz. The pain can range from mild to severe and can last for a few minutes to a couple of days.

Some women may experience this pain on one side of the abdomen and it can be accompanied by light spotting or discharge. This is a sign that ovulation has occurred and can help you track your normal cycle if you are trying to get pregnant.

3. Changes to your basal body temperature

One of the most noticeable and reliable signs that you are ovulating after using birth control is a change in your basal body temperature. Generally, when you ovulate, your basal body temperature will rise slightly due to elevated levels of progesterone.

This rise in temperature will be very slight, but because it occurs around the same time each month, you will be able to track it if you are measuring your basal body temperature daily and keeping a record of your results.

What can you experience after stopping the pill?

Coming off of birth control pills can often bring about changes in a woman’s body, both physical and hormonal. One of the most important changes to be aware of is the return of fertility following the stoppage of the pill.

When a woman stops birth control methods or pills, her menstrual cycle will generally return to its natural state, and she may experience other signs of ovulation such as abdominal discomfort or breast tenderness. In some cases, the body may take up to two months to completely adjust and be ready for conception.

1. Changes to your period

If you had irregular periods before taking the pill, stopping it may cause some complications. Your body will try to return to its natural rhythm, leading to heavy periods or noticeable PMS symptoms just like when you started taking the pill. Additionally, you may experience withdrawal bleeding or spotting at this time.

2. Libido increases

When coming off of the pill, one of the most common signs of ovulation is an increase in libido. This is because birth control methods suppress a woman’s natural hormone production, which can reduce her levels of sex drive. After stopping the pill and allowing the body to return to its natural balance, a surge in hormone production typically leads to an increase in libido.

3. Changes in cervical mucous

During ovulation, a woman’s body produces more estrogen, which can cause the vaginal discharge to become more slippery and thick. This type of mucous is similar in texture to raw egg whites and is a good indicator that ovulation has occurred. Additionally, tracking changes in cervical mucous over time can help women identify potential fertility windows.

4. Mood changes

When coming off of birth control pills, many women experience changes in mood. This can include feeling less energized and increased anxiety. These symptoms are usually the result of shifting hormones after stopping the pill, as the body adjusts to its natural hormone balance.

It is important to note that any mood changes should be monitored and discussed with a healthcare provider if they become too intense or interfere with everyday life.

How long I can ovulate after stopping the pill?


It may take some time for your body to adjust if you stop taking birth control pills, it can take about 3 to 4 weeks before ovulation starts again. During this time, your menstrual cycle will return to its natural pattern and balance of hormones. Ovulation typically occurs between days 11 and 21 of your cycle.

Chances of getting pregnant after stopping the birth control pill?

The odds of getting pregnant after stopping the birth control method vary depending on the type of contraception used, as well as other factors such as age and lifestyle.

Generally, women have a 25% chance of conceiving in the first month after stopping birth control pills, a 50% chance in the second month, and an 85% chance by the sixth month.

In order to know when the best time for conception is, it is important to be aware of the signs of ovulation. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the start of a woman’s next period, so tracking this can help women identify their fertile window and understand if they are ovulating normally.

How long does it take for your period to come back after stopping the pill?

When women stop birth control pills, their bodies start to adjust to their natural hormone levels. As this happens, many signs of ovulation can begin to appear. Ovulation is when a woman’s body releases eggs and can result in pregnancy if the egg meets a sperm cell.

While it varies from person to person, it typically takes a few months for the menstrual cycle to return to its natural state after stopping birth control. According to experts, it is recommended to wait approximately three months for your regular menstrual cycle to resume.

What should you do if you can’t seem to conceive?

Getting pregnant can be exciting and rewarding, but it can also be a very trying experience if conception isn’t happening as quickly as desired. Many couples feel overwhelmed when they can’t seem to conceive.

Before giving up hope, there are some steps that couples should take to ensure that they have the best chance of success.

The birth control method can suppress ovulation for a period of time, so it’s important to know what signs to look out for once you stop taking them.

Common signs of ovulation include changes in cervical mucus, light spotting, and an increase in body temperature.

Paying close attention to these signs of high fertility can help you understand when your body is most likely to conceive.


Undergoing the process of ceasing birth control pills can be a daunting yet exciting opportunity for many women. It is important to understand that it may take some time for your body to adjust and return to its natural hormonal balance, allowing you to ovulate normally again.

FAQs on Signs of Ovulation After Stopping The Pill

1. What happens if your period doesn’t come back?

If your period doesn’t come back after stopping the birth control pill, it could indicate an underlying condition such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or a hormonal imbalance.

It is important to check with a healthcare provider if your period does not return within a few months of coming off of the pill, as there are treatments available to help restore normal hormone balance.

2. What if you decide to go back on the pill?

If you decide to go back on the birth control pill after having stopped, there are several factors to consider. It is important to understand that certain medications can interfere with the effectiveness of the birth control pill, such as antibiotics or antifungals. If you are taking any of these, it is best to speak with your healthcare provider before resuming the use of the birth control pill.

3. Are you more fertile after stopping the pill?

When coming off of birth control pills, a woman’s menstrual cycle will revert back to its original hormonal balance while fertility can potentially increase. Women should track their ovulation closely in order to better recognize windows of potential fertility and remain aware of their body’s irregular cycle when looking for signs of ovulation.

4. When should you stop using birth control?

The decision to stop using birth control should not be taken lightly. Many women rely on contraceptives like the pill in order to maintain control over their reproductive health and plan for pregnancy if desired. Before discontinuing birth control use, it is important to consult with your healthcare provider.


I am Charlotte Garcia, Passionate and experienced content writer specializing in parenting and family-related topics. With a deep love for children and a keen interest in helping parents navigate the beautiful journey of parenthood, I dedicated my career to creating valuable and insightful content.