pregnant without ovulation

Can You Get Pregnant Without Ovulation?

Planning, Health

If you are struggling to get pregnant but not ovulating when you have done everything right. A woman ovulates and releases eggs from her ovaries that travel through the Fallopian tube (also called the uterine tube) to be fertilized by male sperm after intercourse. If the egg is fertilized, it could move to the uterus, at that time woman can successfully conceive.

Many women think that they can get pregnant without ovulation. There is one answer of all your questions about pregnant without ovulation. Which is “There are no chances of getting pregnant without ovulation.

If you’re not ovulating since there’s no egg available for the fertilized sperm. If you experience an irregular menstrual cycle and cannot ovulate, it’s called an Anovulatory Cycle.”

When Does the Ovulation Occur?

The menstrual cycle length for women is 28 days long on average. The very first day of menstrual flow is referred to as day 1. In a cycle that lasts the 28th day, the ovulation cycle begins on the 11th and 21st days. It is between 14 and 15 days before when the next period commences. But some women do not have a menstrual cycle that lasts 28 days.

The length of the cycle may vary between 21 and 35 days.

In a 21-day cycle length, ovulation is between the 5th and 12th days. While for a 35-day cycle, the ovulation period is between days 18 and 26.

The exact timing and signs of ovulation is determined by observing the duration of your cycles, your body temperature at rest, and changes in your cervix and cervical mucus. You can also do this by using ovulation predictor kits available at pharmacies.

Ovulation Issues – Anovulation and Its Causes

During a woman’s menstrual cycle, the mature egg is released, which can then be fertilized by male sex hormones to create an embryo, and the birth occurs. If the ovary cannot eliminate eggs, then a condition is known as anovulation. It signifies that ovulation isn’t happening.

Anovulation can be intermittent or chronic. The absence of ovulation that lasts over time is a major cause of female infertility.

Ovulation is usually associated with an uncoordinated menstrual cycle. However, it is only some of the time. Bleeding can occur in anovulatory cycles and may be confused with menstrual flow. But, if bleeding happens in anovulatory cycles, it is not common.

Causes of Anovulation

There are a variety of causes of anovulation. These include:

  • Abnormalities in hormone levels: A highly complicated sequence of hormonal interactions must occur for the ovulation phase.
  • Age-related: It is typical if a woman is first beginning a menstrual period. It can also occur in those who are nearing menopause. An anovulatory cycle experienced during these transitional phases results from hormonal problems.
  • Stress: Stress levels that are consistently high and anxiety may cause an imbalance in GnRH, luteinizing hormone (LH), and FSH hormones. This can result in ovulation issues or irregular menstrual cycles.
  • Medications: Certain medicines, such as antipsychotics, may disrupt menstrual cycles and alter ovulation. Other medications, such as contraceptives for the hormonal menstrual cycle, are designed to affect ovulation, causing hormonal imbalance.
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Cysts cause the condition on the ovaries, typically occurring in pregnant women. PCOS is the most common reason for anovulation since it can cause an imbalance of the hormonal cycle required to regulate ovulation.

Symptoms of Anovulation

The major symptoms include:

  • A decrease in cervical mucus
  • A drop and subsequent increase in body temperature at rest during the mid-menstrual period (around the 10th day of the cycle)
  • Irregular periods
  • Light spotting or excessive bleeding during periods
  • Pituitary gland dysfunction

Women with irregular cycles who cannot detect other ovulation symptoms could want to test over-the-counter ovulation predictor kits.

To track fertility and plan for pregnancy, it is essential to have a good grasp of the signs of ovulation.

A reproductive endocrinologist doctor may also be able to test a woman’s hormone levels or carry out an ultrasound scan to see the ovaries.

What is Amenorrhea?

Amenorrhea is an ovarian issue that is caused due to irregularity in the menstruation cycle that can be diagnosed when a woman misses the next cycle or more than one menstrual cycle. Primary Amenorrhea can happen to someone who has not gotten her period even at the age of 15 years. At the same time, secondary Amenorrhea can happen in women who have missed three or more period cycles in a row.


  • Hair loss, vision changes, and excessive facial hair
  • Pelvic pain and acne
  • Severe headaches
  • Milky discharge from nipples
  • Duration of Ovulation in Women


  • Poor Diet and Stress
  • Obesity and underweight
  • Over-exercising and chronic illness

Women between the age of 18 to 30 are likely to ovulate every month. On a 28-day cycle, you’re likely to ovulate on day 14. Ovulation is a process that takes place when the ovary releases the eggs, and they reach the uterus.

Many women are curious about how long ovulation can last. It depends on many factors. Your ovaries usually mature by day 6. However, it can occur anywhere from days 6 to 14 for most women. An egg usually forms on day ten and emerges from the ovary on day 14. Ovulation occurs naturally, but it can be used to track ovulation.

Also read: Do Tampons Expire?

Ways to Tell if you are Ovulating

1. Ovulation Symptoms

Some women may experience specific signs of high fertility of ovulation in the fertile window. Some ovulation symptoms include cramping, weight gain, light bleeding, missed periods, breast tenderness, and increased libido. The consistency of your cervical mucus may change from thick and sticky to slippery and watery.

2. Track your Menstrual Cycle

Tracking your menstrual cycles is a simple way to determine if you’re ovulating. Most women who are ovulatory have regular periods cycles each month.

3. Check Your Level of Progesterone

After a follicle has ovulated and released an egg, it transforms into the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum in women releases a hormone called progesterone. This hormone formulates the uterine lining in women for pregnancy.

4. Calculate Your Basal Body Temperature

Another way to determine if you are ovulating is to measure your basal temperature (BBT) daily during your menstrual cycle.

5. Perform Serial Ultrasounds

You can check for signs of ovulation by performing regular ultrasounds throughout your cycle. This includes the growth of follicle-stimulating hormones and the sudden collapse of a dominant follicle. This type of monitoring is expensive and logistically difficult, so healthcare providers reserve it for women in treatment.

Available Fertility Treatment if you are Not Ovulating

1. Surgery: Laparoscopy (or laparotomy) are two common surgical procedures for treating gynecological issues like stimulating ovulation.

2. Fertility Medicines: Clomiphene or gonadotropins are the most common fertility drugs. They regulate your reproductive hormones and trigger the release of one or more eggs during each ovulation cycle.

3. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): IUI is depositing a concentrated amount of sperm from your partner, or a donor, directly into your uterus using a catheter that passes through your cervix.

4. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): In vitro fertilization (IVF) involves removing eggs from your ovaries and combining them in a laboratory using sperm from a donor or partner.

5. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI): ICSI is commonly added to IVF treatments to solve male fertility issues or speed up the process of fertilization.

6. Donor Eggs Embryos: Before the embryo is transferred to your uterus you should know how does a egg donor process work, while IVF, you must take medication to prepare your uterine lining to allow for pregnancy if you use a donor embryo.

Can You Get Pregnant Without Ovulation FAQs

1. How can you track your ovulation?

To better understand when you will ovulate, note your basal body temperature and cervical mucus. You can use an over-the-counter OPK or ovulation predictor kit, Ovulation Tracking Bracelet, or lab tests to look for hormone changes.

2. Can you get pregnant on non-fertile days?

Yes, it’s possible to get pregnant outside of the fertile period because ovulation times can differ monthly, and sperm remains within the body for a few days. So, even though it’s more likely at certain times, it is possible getting pregnant due to unprotected sex at any moment during the menstrual cycle.

3. Is Ovulation Possible Without Periods?

Lactating mothers may not experience menstrual periods until a few months after giving birth, but they can ovulate early and get pregnant if they have unprotected sex. It is hard to track your ovulation if you don’t have periods.

In such cases, you will be required to cross-check your lower basal body temperature and the uniformity of cervical mucus. The period will arrive if you ovulate. However, the gap between the period and the actual period is 14 days. If you have sex within this period, getting pregnant is possible. Many women who are lactating mothers need to be cautious.

4. Factors that Prevent or Interrupt the Ovulation

Some women of childbearing age don’t ovulate. Many factors can impact your ability to release eggs. One example is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

A hyperactive or underactive thyroid can stop ovulation and cause nearing menopause prematurely. You can still experience uterus shed lining and menstrual bleeding even if you don’t ovulate. Your cycle might be shorter or lighter than usual.


We hope that by this time, you have got your answer to whether you can not get pregnant without ovulation. The fertilization of an egg with sperm results in pregnancy. It is best to occur during the fertile days, between 4 and 7 days before ovulation. You can check your fertile days by fertility awareness-based methods of family planning. These methods help identify healthy women’s luteal phase during their menstrual cycle. So, the days leading to fairly typical fertile days in a women’s next cycle, where they can have unprotected sex to get pregnant, can be figured out.

If a woman is experiencing anovulatory problems, her chances of getting pregnant are very low. This is because it is impossible to get pregnant without ovulation. Other significant areas which are popularly discussed include birth control and how to avoid pregnancy.

When ovulation occurs, some women can experience night sweats as the body releases hot flashes due to high estrogen levels that dilate the blood vessels. Premature ovarian failure usually occurs in women younger than 40 years and suffering from Amenorrhea, infertility, and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.

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I am Charlotte Garcia, Passionate and experienced content writer specializing in parenting and family-related topics. With a deep love for children and a keen interest in helping parents navigate the beautiful journey of parenthood, I dedicated my career to creating valuable and insightful content.