First Trimester Pregnancy

Symptoms and Changes During First Trimester Pregnancy


Pregnancy and childbirth are tricky times for any parent. It is both joyous and trying. During pregnancy, mothers experience physical symptoms that can affect them emotionally. Young mothers are eager to know more about the expected changes in their bodies, the gestational age and the development process of their baby.

The 9 months of pregnancy are divided into 3 trimesters. Let’s discuss the First Trimester’s initial three months (weeks 1-13).

First Trimester Pregnancy

The news of pregnancy can surprise young couples because the First Trimester of Pregnancy begins on the first day of your last period. The gestational age of the first trimester lasts up to 13 weeks of pregnancy. Multiple physiological changes occur during the first trimester, the most crucial pregnancy phase for any woman.

How Many Weeks First Trimester Pregnancy Lasts?

The First Trimester of Pregnancy starts from the date of conception and lasts for over 13 weeks or three months. So it’s important to track your menstrual cycle and know your signs of ovulation. Month one spans from week 1 to week 4 of the pregnancy, whereas month 2 begins at week 5 and lasts till week 8. The third or final month of the First Trimester spans from week 9 to week 13.

The funniest aspect of your early pregnancy is that you will be at the second gestational age before you even understand you are pregnant. Due to how pregnancy dates are countered, conception happens when you are two weeks pregnant. So, by realizing you missed your menstrual period, you are already on week 4 or 5.

First Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms

During the First Trimester, change happens rapidly. A woman’s body changes significantly as it adjusts to support the growing fetus. And experience a variety of symptoms during this trimester. Some symptoms could be mild or may be severe sometimes.

So get to know all the symptoms and changes by reading this guide. So that you can be prepared to face any situation.

1. Pregnancy Glow

In the First Trimester pregnancy, the increased number of hormones released during this stage can make your skin look flushed and give you that glow. Such hormones can include estrogen, human chorionic gonadotropin, and progesterone.

2. Nausea with vomiting

Nausea with vomiting is often known as ‘morning sickness’ for pregnant women and can sadly last for days. If you have mild morning sickness, then there are some measures you can take. Talk to your medical practitioner about safe medications and also tell them your medical history if you suffer for the whole day.

3. Increased urination

During this stage, you will see that frequent urination is quite common at this stage. During the First Trimester of Pregnancy, hormonal changes increase, so you frequently rush to the bathroom.

4. Temperature changes

In the First Trimester stage, you will start noticing that you sweat more and might even have night sweats.

5. High blood pressure

Some mothers can have a spike in their blood pressure during the First Trimester. That can put both the mother and fetal development at risk. The fetus might not get enough oxygen if the placenta does not get more blood, which can lead to a decrease in your child’s growth.

6. Mild cramping and spotting

During the First Trimester pregnancy, you may notice mild implantation cramping or light bleeding. It is common, but let your medical provider know if it develops into severe cramping.

7. Missed period

A missed period is the first stage of pregnancy. If you are in your childbearing years, have had unprotected sex in the last month, and your menstrual period is late. Then likelihood is you may be pregnant.

8. Tingling or aching breasts

In the initial stages of pregnancy, you develop tender breasts that feel more tingly and sore. Your bra may not fit quite as much as it used to before.

9. Acne

Most mothers experience acne during the First Trimester of Pregnancy. This is due to an increase in hormones called androgen that causes the glands in your skin to grow and produce more sebum. This oil clogs pores and leads to an increase in bacteria, inflammation and breakouts.

Also read: Preparing First Trimester To Do List

First Trimester Pregnancy Changes

1. Mood swings

During the First Trimester of Pregnancy, your breasts will swell and become tender, your hormones will fluctuate, and you will have terrible mood swings. Certain factors contribute to these mood swings – the biggest culprit is a surge in pregnancy hormones. During the first trimester, a woman can experience a flood of estrogen and progesterone, which affects a person’s health.

2. Parenthood worries

In the First Trimester, most mothers start worrying about parenthood. They ask:

  • Will I be a decent mother?
  • How will I support my child?
  • Will I be able to take good care of the baby?
  • Will my health insurance cover the child’s birth?

It will start popping into your head. These are natural. Talk to your parents, elders, friends who have gone through a full-term pregnancy or your medical provider to dispel these.

3. Health conscious

In the initial stages of your pregnancy, you need to take extra care of your health conditions to increase growth in the amniotic sac to help your baby’s development. Items include taking prenatal vitamins, exercising regularly, eating fruits, protein, fiber and vegetables, and drinking enough water.Also read: Maintain A Healthy Diet During First Trimester

4. Morning sickness

You may face morning sickness, which may last three-quarters of pregnancy during the First Trimester.

Your Baby During the First Trimester of Pregnancy

During the First Trimester of pregnancy, fertilized eggs occur when the embryo implants in the uterine wall. It is the period where the foundation is laid for your baby’s fetal development. In the First Trimester, the organs begin to develop in the body systems of the growing fetus. You can expect the following:

  • The baby’s bones grow in the legs, hands, arms, and feet at six weeks.
  • The baby’s brain and spinal cord start forming in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • The heart initially develops as a tube, and your baby’s heartbeat starts.
  • The touch receptors form in this period.
  • The baby’s intestines start forming at week 8.
  • As early as the 12-week mark, baby teeth start developing buried deep in the gums.

At this gestational age, your baby acquires multiple senses, such as eyesight and taste. Also, their hair and nails begin growing at this stage.


1. What should I avoid in the first trimester?

Avoid raw meats and poultry luncheon meats, refrigerated meat spreads and seafood. Do not consume unpasteurized dairy products. Avoid smoking, drinking, drugs, and caffeine to improve fetal development.

2. Is pregnancy safe in the first trimester?

Pregnancy is generally considered safe in the first trimester, but there are some risks associated with this period. During the first trimester, the risk of miscarriage is highest, and some common pregnancy complications may also occur, such as ectopic pregnancy or gestational diabetes.

3. Why is the first trimester so hard?

The first trimester of pregnancy is generally considered tough as the body undergoes many physiological changes. According to the symptoms mentioned above.

4. How many cramps are normal in early pregnancy?

Some women may experience more intense or frequent cramps than others. It is normal to experience some mild cramping in early pregnancy as the uterus begins to stretch and grow.

5. How much can I walk in the first trimester?

In the first trimester, walk 30 minutes daily for fitness and reduce heartburn. Start by walking 5 minutes daily and add 5 minutes weekly until you reach 30 minutes.

6. How to sleep during pregnancy in the first trimester?

You can sleep however possible during your first trimester, as sleeping positions do not affect how your baby develops during early or mid-pregnancy. But if a toddler is not ready for a bed but still sleeps beside you on the same bed, be careful they do not kick you at night.


The most important part to remember during the first trimester and pregnancy is to take care of yourself. Take good care of your health and your little one, and gear up for the second trimester.

Follow your doctor’s advice, and do not worry about asking about any concerns that you may have. Try to be aware of everything and remember that the more information you get, the less you worry.

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I am Charlotte Garcia, Passionate and experienced content writer specializing in parenting and family-related topics. With a deep love for children and a keen interest in helping parents navigate the beautiful journey of parenthood, I dedicated my career to creating valuable and insightful content.